I love this quote from Jim Ron.

He said, we must all suffer one of two things the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment.

See, without the pain ofdiscipline, success is impossible.So I need you to ask yourself do youhave the courage to choose the pain of discipline?Do you have the strength to sacrifice the thingsthat are stopping you to chase your dream?Do you have the courage courage to say no to yourfriends who are asking you to go to the party?Do you have the courage to keepworking when you feel like quitting?Do you have the courage to move inforward when you feel sick and tired?Do you have the courage to keep fightingwhen your mind tells you to stop?If your answers are yes to all of these questions, then you have the power of discipline.You are on the right path.You are going to be learning to master yourself.You are now the members of one Person clubbecause 99% of people are struggling with self discipline.The person who mastersthemselves through self discipline.Buddha said that the person who masters himselfthrough self control and discipline is truly undefeatable.

Laosu said, Mastering others is a strength.Mastering yourself is two powers.Self mastery means actually is mastering yourself.Self mastery is being capable of making sacrifice.If you don't control your mind,your mind will control you.You don't fail in the final exam suddenly.You don't fail at business at some point.You don't fail in the job interview suddenly.You fail every day.You fail in those situations when you decideto break the discipline, when you decide toprocrastinate, when you say yourselves, I will doit later, you fail every day.When you fail to sacrifice, fail.When you stop going according to your plan, youfail when you decide to stay in your compensation.You get closer to failure every single day.But you can stop this if you decideto go through the pain of discipline.It's time to stop bringing yourreasons just for short term players.It's time to stop losing your focus.Just for focusing on unnecessary things.It's time to stop focusing on bad habits.It's time to take the wounded seat off your life.It's time to control your mind.Who is the winner of your life?Is it your mind or you?Who is steering your life?Who is striving?What do you want in life?Power or pain?Success or failures?Everybody wants the power of success.Forming a new habit is really, really hard.Becoming disciplined is hard.I don't have to tell you that.We all know how difficult it isto live a prosperous and healthy life.If it were easy, everybody would do it.Self discipline is the ability to make your subs, todo things even if you don't want to do them.That's one of the most important qualities in life.See, everyone has dreams and goals.And almost everybody starts workingon their goals with motivation.

But in order to achievethem, you don't need motivation.What is needed is you have tobe disciplined because motivation gets you going,but discipline keeps you growing.I have not seen any successful person in mywhole life who is not discipline in his life.Anyone can make a list of goals.By the way, a few learn howto be disciplined enough to achieve that.Discipline is the bridgebetween goals and accomplishment.That's what Jim Ron said.Life gives you so many tests andchallenges, but today what you have?Do you have chances or difficulties?What do you see when lifeputs you in front of hardships?You have chances to make your life better and perfect.Some people keep saying what I have isjust issues and problems in my life.Some people always regret about the decision.But successful people say what Ihave right now is special.Every decision that you make is going tomake you better or worse in the future.It depends on you and what you'regoing to be in the future.Everybody wants to save, but noone wants to plant a tree.Pain is necessary in life.Failure is necessary in life because it makesyou strong and teach you to be disciplined.It's not success that makes you strong,but it's pain that makes you strong.Discipline is something by whichyou can control your mind.In order to be successful inlife, you have to be disciplined.You have to master yourself.90% of people are not disciplined.Either you control your mind oryour mind will control you.The better is master yourselves.To learn and learn to control your mind, youmust have to go through the process of pain.Discipline is, according to Sancho, is enforcedthrough consistent application of reward and punishment.Discipline is being capable of making sacrifice.Sometimes you know exactly what you want to do, whatis to do, but even it feels like you don'twant to do them because of blazingness and pain.Most people are not ready to make sacrificein their life in order to achieve mastery.They don't want to miss the party, the drinking.They don't want to turn their phone off becausethey think, it's not going to be that way.Life is right now and we shouldenjoy it, and they avoid being disciplined.But at some point, life is going to putyou in a situation where you feel like quitting.Because that's the way of life toteach you, to make you strong.And then you feel how important the disciplineis in life, how bad it is necessary.

Tim Ryan said we must all suffer oneof two things the pain of discipline orthe pain of regret or disappointment.If you choose to the pain of discipline, it's that youare going to feel that pain for a few days.But in the future, you're going to achieve that fruit.You're going to achieve that results.You're going to achieve your dreams.You're going to make your dreams come true.But if you chose a short termpleasure today, that means you are choosingthe pain of regret and disappointment unknowingly.What you're going to choose right now, mostpeople choose the pain of regret unknowingly.But if you chose the pain of discipline today, itwill give you the longtime plays of Stone life.Thank you so much, guys, for watching this video.If you really think that this video isgoing to help you in your life, thenmake sure to subscribe to this channel.Thank you so much.