The Electrical Resistance of a condutor (Or a Wire) Depend on the following Factors:

1. Lenght of the Cross Conductor
2. Area of Cross-Section of the conductor 
3. Nature of the  Material of the conductor 
4. Temperatureof the conductor.

1. Effect of Lenght of the conductor 
    It is has been Found by Experiments that on Increasing the Lenght of the Wire , its resistance                  incresesa and on Decreasing the Lenght of the Wire , its resistance decreases . Actually , The                  resistance of a conductor is Directly Proportional to its Lenght

2. Effect of Area of Cross-Section of the Conductor 
    It has been Found by Experiments that the resistance of the Conductor is Inversely Proportional to          its  area of Cross Section
    When the area of Cross-section of a wire is doubled , its resistance get halved

important point

1. Short lenght of a thick wire is ude for getting Low Resistance
2.  Long lenght of a thin wire is used gor getting High Resistance 

3. Effect of the Nature of Material Of the Conductor 
    The Electrical resistance of a conductor Depend on the naturre of the Material of which it is Made 
    Some material have low resistance whereas other have high resistance .

4. Effect of Temperature
    It has been found that the resistence of all pure metal increases on raising the Temperature and                Decreases on Lowering the Temperature.