What should I do? I can't focus on my studying. I can't focus on my working.I don't feel like taking action towards my dream.The effect of motivational videos only lasts a fewminutes, and then I get distracted again and againwith my cell phone, with the television, with life.Listen, I know who you are. And now it's time to let theworld know who you are, too.This is the most important time inyour life right now, right here.You can make your life, or you can destroy it.You get to choose.How much longer are you going to wait?How much longer you're going to wait?Another 30 seconds?You're going to wait another minute?You're going to wait another hour?Maybe we'll start in a couple of hours. You know what?How about I just wait till tomorrow?You're going to wait till tomorrow?You're going to wait another week?You're going to wait another month?How much longer are you going to wait?I say no more waiting.Ask yourself the right questions.What's your dream?What do you want in life?How do you want to live?How much money do you want to make?What do you want to do?Where do you want to go?Who do you want to become?Start taking action by thinking about it and thentalking about it, and then act on it.Remember, if you want to be a lion,you got to do what lions do.You set a goal to study.You set a mission to do something.And now it's up to you to take actionon your life, on your journey, on your process.Every time you say, I'll doit, tomorrow is another moment lost.Year in, month, day in.Do what needs to be done.Get to where you need to go.Don't wait for tomorrow.

Act now. Plan your day.Champions have a plan.Create your plan so you can act like a champion. Acts.Think about all the people in your life.Don't wait for handouts.Don't wait for the world to give it to you.It's not going to happen.You have to grab life by the horns anddo what you know you're capable of doing.You said motivational videos last four minutes.Well, that's all you need to get started.Use that minute.Hold on to that minute, and then thenext time, make it two, and then three.Because time plus energy equals exponential growth.Every day you get a little bit better.It shows up more and more in your life.I dare you to pick up the book you're supposed to.I dare you to live out in your passions for a minute.I dare you to let the world see how great youreally can be, how you can really show up, how youcan burn and fly and grow and be so damn greatthe world can't help but to appreciate you.Take action today.Make it your reality.It's your time.Think it, say it, and act it.There's greatness in you.

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