Here are some simple everyday habits that make you smarter! You probably already know that being smart is important, but did you know that there are certain things smart people do every day, which you can do too? That's right. You don't have to be a genius or a highly intelligent person and spend hours in the library to get smarter. There are simple habits that can improve your cognitive functioning and boost your brain power.

Smart people understand that being smart is not just about how much information we learn or how many facts we know; it's about being able to use that information effectively. A smart person can take in new information and synthesize it into something useful for themselves or others in their lives. Smart people are also self aware and curious about the world around them. They are always looking for ways to improve themselves and their lives. And they know the importance of critical thinking and continuous learning and evolving. If you want to become smarter and increase your IQ, try to incorporate these daily habits into your life.

13 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter

13 everyday Habits That Make You Smartera lot of people think that being smart meansgetting good grades and having that degree.However, to be smart is to be able tothink critically and make decisions that benefit you.It's not just about memorizing informationor being able to recite facts.It's about understanding how the world worksand using that knowledge to your advantage.You don't have to be a genius orspend hours in the library to get smarter.Regardless of your age or level of education, youcan become smarter by following some simple habits.

Here are some of our favorites number one question don'tjust assume this is a habit that applies to everyaspect of your life, from the way you take innew information to how you approach interpersonal relationships.Many people tend to take things at face value.They don't question things.They just assume that if something is presentedas fact in the media or by asource they trust, then it must be true.Unfortunately, this can lead to bad decisionmaking because you can miss out oninformation that could help make better choices.Don't just assume that something istrue because someone told you so.Always clarify and look at all sidesof everything before making up your mind.Number two read something you normally wouldn't readingis a great way to expand your knowledgeand your vocabulary, and if you want tobe smarter, you should definitely read every day.

You should also consider reading somethingthat you normally wouldn't, even ifit directly opposes your own perspective.Whether it's an article or book, reading something thatdiffers from what you would normally read can potentiallybe an eyeopening experience, as you will likely beforced to consider another point of view.It can certainly expand your mindand challenge some of your ideas.Number three diversify your day.While a routine can be great and beneficial,it's easy to get stuck in a rut.To be both happy and productive, you need tomix things up so that you are constantly doingnew things and keeping your brain active.Get yourself off of autopilot.Take a different route home from work.Try a new recipe for dinner or go fora walk outside instead of walking on a treadmill.Inviting a little novelty into your daily life willnot only keep things fresh and interesting, but itcan actually help make you smarter and more creative.Number four expose yourself to different world views.Smart people are curious.They interact with different people andexpose themselves to as many cultures,places and perspectives as possible.It's a great way to get your mind working.Of course, it's also important that you are

openminded about the information you receive from these sources.You may not agree with everything you hear and see,but if you keep an open mind, it will helpbroaden your understanding of the world around you.Number five make a point oflearning something new each day.Learning something new every day, no matterhow small or seemingly insignificant, can havea big impact on your brain.Watch educational shows, listen to audiobooks orpodcasts, or subscribe to thought provoking newsletters.You can even use a word of theday app and have fun learning new words.Number six apply new knowledge.When you learn something new, don't let it go to waste.If you don't apply what you'velearned, then what's the point?Don't just learn for the sake of learning.Make sure it betters your life somehow,whether it's learning about nutrition or technology.If you take the time to learnsomething, put that knowledge into practice.Number seven think of new ways to do old things.Another way you can challenge your brain is tolook at things you do every day and thinkabout how you could do them slightly differently.

Finding new ways to do things will fend offboredom and help your brain stay sharp and focused,as well as make life more interesting and fun.You could also use this habit to find better,more efficient ways of doing something you do often,such as packing lunches or folding clothes.Number eight play games that make you think.To keep your brain sharp and engaged,do something that requires you to think.Board games, card games, video gamesand puzzles are all good options.As a matter of fact, studies show thatplaying strategy based games helps improve memory function.That's because they require you to think on the spot,and by giving your brain practice with this type ofthinking process, over time, you also improve your ability todeal with different scenarios in everyday life.Number nine increase mental intensity.The more you challenge yourself,the smarter you become.The key to doing this is to pushyourself beyond what you think are your limits.Try picking up a new skill or studying a subjectyou're unfamiliar with for at least 30 minutes a day.You could also try entertaining a differentthought pattern by reading self help booksor listening to podcasts about personal development.By doing these things on a regular basis, youwill continue building neural pathways in your brain, whichwill ultimately increase your capacity for learning.Number ten take up a productive hobby.It's important to have interests outside ofwork, even if you're a busy professional.Hobbies are more than merely away to fill your free time.

They're creative outlets that keep your brain engaged,and they can even improve cognitive function.Whether it's writing, playing a musical instrument, painting, knittingwoodworking, or gardening, hobbies are essential for your mentalhealth and can help you learn skills that willmake you a more well rounded person.They can also serve as a great way tomeet people with similar interests, which can be help fulif you're looking to make new friends.Number eleven hang out with peoplewho are smarter than you.This is a big one.It's easy to surround yourself with those that agree with your views or offer the same level of intelligence as yours.But if you want your brain to evolve intosomething greater and more complex, you need to learnfrom those who can teach you new things orshow you another way of looking at an issue.When you surround yourself with people who aresmarter than you, they'll challenge and inspire you.They will make you think critically aboutyour own beliefs and actions, which can help you become more effective.Number twelve get some physical exercise.You already know that exercise is one of thebest things you can do for your body andbrain, which is why it's so important to make physical activity a habit in your life.In addition to helping improve youroverall health and wellbeing, exercise helpsimprove blood flow to the brain.

Consistent exercise also produces BDNF brainderived neurotrophic factor, which helps withmemory, learning, focus, concentration and comprehension.As an added bonus, it also promotes better sleep.Number 13 set aside some quiet time.If you want to be smarter, it's importantto take time to reflect on your days.Smart people learn from their experiences so theydon't make the same mistakes again and again.And by reflecting on your days, youcan also start seeing patterns that mightcontribute to unhealthy habits or behaviors.This will help you become more self aware andmindful of the way you think, act and live.So there you have it.If you want to get smarter, tryadding these habits into your life.If you already do some of thesethings, keep up the good work.And remember it's not about being perfectall the time, it's about making progress.Don't be too hard on yourself if

something doesn't work out the way you'd hoped.Just keep learning and moving forward.If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up andshare it with your friends so we can keep making them.For more post like this,Also, be sure to check out our other post as well.Thanks for Reading


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