Some people are Confident Even When Facing the Hardest Challenges while Mosy People Crumble Under the just Little Pressure .

How to Become Extremly Confident In Life ?

You have been fooled You See, You Have Been  Tricked Into the Beliving the following Phrase "Every One Has INSECURITIES" The problem with this phrase is that it does not offer a solution to Anything Accepting this as a Reality will only result in you Accepthing Your Low-selfConfidence It's Okay to have some Insecurities, But it is not Okay to Stay Insecure It's okay to start off Weak But it's unacceptable to stay weak If we Live in Defferent Time, But it is not okay to stay Insecure It's Okay to start off weakBut it's Unaccepetable to Stay Weak if we live diffrent time, the people that tell themselves said that Everyone has Insecurerities or taht it;s okay to be weak, would be Targets they Would Be the First Ones to get taken out it's Only in the Modern World that you can servive while believing in Nonsense that weakens your soul. 

 6 things That will Make You Confident in Life

#1 . Win - Easier said than Done But you Need to rack up WinsEspecially If you are a man you must Win, As It will directly resultinto an increase of Testosterone there have been Scientific Studies That shows that if you have 2 teams in sports, the winning team actually get a Considerable Increase in Testosterone Compared to the Losers the same thing happens with Fighters or an other form of  CompetitionWinning will Increse your Confidence It Doesn't matter if its picking up girls, Winning in the wirkplace or in Sports, whatever it is, make sure you rack up some wins and no video game dont's countthey Don't carry over to the real world If you want to gain confidence you can't be affraid of Competitionif you got no one to Compete against, set the bar high and make sure You Compete against Yourself 

#2 Have Options - Imagine if you could get Almost any girl you want If some randome giirls rejects you, she can't break your confidence because you got options you could replace her in a Heartbeat the same thing could be said for busness Deal in any Negotiation, the one that is willing to walk away from the table has Leverage if you got many Great business Offers, there is no reason to sit and entertain low offers you would walk out of the room with your head held high

if they didn't come up wiyh a good deal fast the guy that have no other  options, doesn't want to walk away from the table he is desperate so its better to sit and listen even id the offers are low there is a huge difference between the person that has options and the person that have nonewhen you have all the options in the World, you stop caring certain things you can Speak your Mind and if people Don't Like it you can keep it moving to the next Option The power of having OptionsBoost your Confidence just as much as winning does and osten You need to win first to gain the options After

#3 Be Very Dangerous - It doesn't matter who you are, it desn't matter if you have millions og dollars in the banks or if you have all the options in the world Instinctually any man knows he should be Dangerous A man that isn't Dangerous Lacks Masculinity and by extension lacks Confidence You might have lost your Instincts Long ago , and you could have been conditioned to believe that being Dangerous is a Bad thing the opposit thing is true you see most people et tought to believe that being dangerous means you are a bad person , or that you are hurt innocent people it is nonsens think of every superherothey are all extremely Dangurous that is wahtmake them a superheroif you want the Confidence of a superhero you have to make yourself hard to kill And extremely Dangerousthere are multiple things that determine how lethal you are physical prowess is just one of them but it is Crucial so start training and become STRONG an Underrrated way to be Dangerous is to be able to articulate your thoughts when your are a strong man that is also able to articulate his thought well, you are a Scary Individual people will know that they can't just put words in Your mouth or defeat you with Words this will Increase your Confidence .

#4. Become far frome weak - 

Every should Aim to be far from weak it is nearlly impossible to lack Confidence When you are strong in all area's of  your life being truly strong is not only physically , although that is Crucial when it come to development confidence if you aim to become 1% better Every day , you are far from weak if you see through the morden lies,you are Fare from Weak If you train your body and mind Daily, You are far from Weak if you are looking for knowledge insted of just pleadure, you are far frome weak . 

#5. Solve Problems - Problems are Part of life you better get good at solving them if small problems are enough to stress you out , its hard to be confident you know that there are men out there thst have problems bigger than yoursand they solve them without a single word of complaint don't be a weak minded fool that starts stressing out over minor problems "you can tell the size of a man ny the size of his problem". i want you to say that to yourself the next timwe you face on obstacle in your life change are you need bigger problems insted of less problems if you are able to handal your own problems and even those of people in your clode inner circle , you will find yourself being more confident in life 

#6 Intentions - walk with intention speak with intention and act with intentiondon't do thinks like a mindless peasant eithout any intemtion if you take action make sureyou know why you are doing it the same with speaking don't just run you mouth like a fool there is a time and place yo crak jokes with your friends most of the time you need to pick your words and know what you are saying the next time you start havong small talk with someone i want you to ask yourself ehy you are doing it pick your world even if it's samll talk the most confident people know exactly why they are doing something most og the time this is short and sample and yet most people mess this up .