Georg Simon Ohm

OHM'S law Gives a Relationship Between Current And Potential Diffrence . ACCORDING to Ohm's law: 

At Constant Temperature , The Current Flowing Through a Condutor is Directly Proportional to the Potential Diffrence Across its end. 

        Formula Of  OHM'S law : V = R x I

Where R is a constent Called "Resistance" of the conductor . the Value of this constent Depends on the Nature , Lenght , area of Cross Section and Temperature of the condutor . 

 It is Obvious From this Relation that:

1. The Current is Directly Proportional to potential Difference 

2. The Current is inversely Proportional to resistance

If the potential Difference across the end of a conductor is double, The current flowing Through it also gets Doubled And if the potential difference is halved, the current also get halved .