
The work Done for carryring unit postive charge from Infinity to a point is called Electric current

Potential ia a scaler Quantity. Its Units is VOLT.

Potential Diffrence 

The potential Difference Between two points in an Electric fild is Equal to the ratio of work done in moving a test charge from one point to Other to the value to test charge. 

                                Potential Difference = Work Done / Charge 

                                                               V = W/Q

                  Unit of Potential Difference is VOLT.


The Electric current is a Flow of Electric Charges (Electron) Through a Conductor (Metal) in a Unit Time

                 Current, I = q/t

the SI System , The Current is Measure in Ampere (A)

1. Direct Current

When the current Flow alwas in the same Direction and The Frequency is zero, then It is Called Direct Current

2. Alternating Current 

When the Current Charges Direction After Equal Interval of time , Then it is Called Alternating Current.