There are only two animals on the planet that the creator identified himself with . The first one is the eagle .The eagle and the second animal is the lion.And when I identified those two animals as his favorite to identify himself with, I recognizeI better study these two to animals.Because if he is the leader of the universe and I want to be a leader on earth, I better find out the nature of these animals and also the attitude of these animals.And I discovered that both of the mare the kings of their domains.

The eagle is the king of the bird kingdom andthe lion is the king of the animal kingdom.But let's talk a little bit about the lion.The lion has what I call the spirit of leadership.And this word spirit here is referring to attitude. Everybody say attitude.A leader has an attitude that makes him or her different from followers.Now, the lion is the king of the jungle.But the lion to me is a greatsource of encouragement to all of us.I want you to write this down.Remember this as long as you live.Number one, the lion is notthe tallest animal in the jungle.Number two, the lion is not the largest animal in the jungle.Number three, the lion is notthe heaviest animal in the jungle.Number four, the lion is not the smartest animalor the most intelligent animal in the jungle.

And yet when he shows up, they all run away.Well, here's one of my favorite quotes that I put in my books and I believe it really brings home the pointan army of sheep led by a lion will always defeatan army of lions led by a sheep.And the answers to that dilemma is this because leadership can transform cowards into violent warriors,the right kind of leadership can transform atimid into bold people who are fellows.Leadership is that powerful leadership can walk into a camp of depressed people and in 20 minutes they have turned on into unbelievable powerful armies. Because leadership determines everything.The lion is the king of the jungle because of one word attitude.Everybody say attitude. Write it down. Attitude.The lion has a different attitude thatmakes every animal afraid of him. Now, we don't want to lead by fear, but it does take respect for you to become a leader.When I use the word fear inthe jungle, we're talking about respect.The elephant respects the lion.The hyenas respect the lion.The giraffes, they respect the lion.What makes these massive animalsrespect such a small cat?

The attitude is the difference .For example, a lion will see an elephant on thething that counts of his mind one word lunch.I could eat this thing.And he acts the way he thinks.Now here's another amazing mystery.The elephant is larger, bigger, stronger,more powerful, heavier and more intelligent.And yet when the elephant sees The Lion, one word comes to mind. Attitude is a product of belief. You cannot have an attitude beyond your belief. So your attitude comes from your belief system The lion is the king because of what he believes about himself.

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"Leadership can transform cowards into violent warriors!" This is so true ЁЯТкЁЯТкЁЯТк

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Attitude is the only one which makes you different from others in the way of thinking ability ЁЯФеЁЯФе